A Rescue That Can Work When All Others Have Failed

I've long believed that rising medical prices in America are ascribable to the pharmaceutical business, medical insurance corporations, medical practitioners and the AMA.

That opinion was confirmed after which some once I learn Dr. Fred Hollingsworth new ebook, "

Dr. Fred's Health Care Rescue: The Real Solution to Health Care

. " We already understand how the pharmaceutical corporations inflate costs past purpose for unreasonable earnings.


Hollingsworth in addition tells us how docs tributary to rising costs by ordering a number of pointless costly checks, order pointless costly medicine, and carry out dear surgical procedures when Hollingsworth writes with conviction and reality when he describes the Great Healthcare War con to forces that may present higher, safer simpler remedy at far much less price, together with the Alternative Health Movement, Orthomolecular Medicine, and Complementary Medicine amongst others. He smashes myths about sick well being and early ageing, and particulars the shortage of truthful competitors ascribable to inhibited exemption. He points a ringing, clear name for sufferers to launch a battle for his or her medical exemption.

The creator summarizes the requisite for this battle inside the ebook when he writes "Results of inhibited exemption and unfair competition in the health care field let in high costs of health care from inflated costs of drugs, high fees of some physicians, and high hospital and other bills which are sometimes soft fraudulently because the patient is not paying bill directly."

Almost all well being reform efforts in America haven't succeeded as a result of they haven't listed sufferers inside the effort. Fred Hollingswoth's name for sufferers to problem lawmakers to do what is true and wanted makes a complete lot of sense. In truth, it makes a hatful sense I imagine all sufferers ought to learn "

Dr. Fred's Health Care Rescue


A Rescue That Can Work When All Others Have Failed

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